Sustaining Motivation

When we are doing what we were created to do, it sustains our motivation. 

Coaching, particularly, spiritual coaching or directing, can help you navigate through your strengths and your giftings to gain a clearer picture of what God wants you to be busying your self with. 

There is a verse in Ephesians 2:10 that says, For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

I have this verse written at the top of my journal and, every day, I walk toward that goal. I have a husband and two children who have moved into adulthood and two still at home, so clearly, they receive a lot of my energy and I see them as part of the good work God has given me to do here. 

But beyond my family, and prayerfully so, I present my self daily to be guided by The Holy Spirit who leads me into the lives of others that I am to help and who leads others into my life to help me. It is an exciting adventure every day! When you see your life shifting in healthy and whole ways and you see how you can help others do the same thing, it is easy to sustain motivation!

I am right here walking this path of wholeness with you and I would love to hear from you today!


Daily Affirmations

  1. God is truth and He is invoking a blessing over my life and releasing me from my past.
  2. Christ is my life, He is my all and all. He and I are joined together in one Spirit. He lives in me now, not I, He is the fullness, the power, the strength and all I need and that is a fact now.
  3.  I am God's Beloved, He made me in eternity
  4. I am loved, accepted, forgiven and pleasing to God, therefore I can love accept, forgive and be pleasing to my self. 
  5. God is removing cherished sin from my heart and making me free.
  6. I trust in God and I will let God rescue me. I delight in Him and He is delivering me.
  7. God has plans to prosper and not harm me, to give me a future and a hope.
  8. God is building me and I will be re built. 
  9. In returning and rest I am being saved, in quietness and confidence is my strength.
  10. God's statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.